This product is intended for users who are 18 years or older. / Always wear eye protection while shooting. / Misuse may cause injury or death. / The muzzle of an airsoft gun should never be pointed at someone to cause injury. / Read this entire manual to ensure proper usage. / Buyers and users should obey the laws and rules of the local authority. / Remove the battery from the product when it is not in use. / Turn off charger when batteries are fully charged. / Risk of fire and burns.

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How to Join

Every G&G Airsoft gun now comes with an offical G&G gun tag.(Except pistols and some areas)

On the back of the tag, you will find 2 sets of numbers

  1. 1.Authentic code is covered by silver paint
  2. 2.Serial numbers begin with SN

Scratch off the silver paint and register both numbers here to enter "Buy 1 Get 1 Free Lucky Draw".

  • Monthly luck draw starts on 17th of each month, draw video will be released on 19th and winner announcement will be posted on 20th (Postponed if it’s on holidays)
  • After registered, you will enter luck draw for the next 12 months, one entry for each month.
  • After completing the tag registration, you will be able to participate in the lucky draw every month for the next 12 months, with a total of 12 chances. Starting in 2025, the Annual Grand Prize GMG42 award will no longer be offered.

The Winners are announced on the Luck draw official website.